I sell my son for N400,000 to boost business - Igbo Trader

The Lagos State Police Command has arrested a 28-year-old man, Okwuchukwu Ibekwe, for allegedly selling his five-month-old son to a syndicate in Anambra State for N400,000.
Our correspondent learnt that Okwuchukwu, who lives on Shinaba Street, in the Iyana Iba area of Lagos, had some difficulties in his trade and allegedly decided with his wife to raise some money by selling the baby.
PUNCH Metro gathered that the Ibekwes had contacted one Chinelo, who is still on the run, on December 17, 2015, for the transaction.
It was learnt that Chinelo, who stayed in Ihiala, Anambra State, paid the Ibekwes N400,000 ─ N250,000 to the father and N150,000 to the mother of the baby.

 Our reporter assembled that the man, in any case, had a squabble with his wife in the wake of coming back from his trek to Anambra. It was accumulated that when he declined to give the wife her offer, she reported the matter to the police.

PUNCH Metro learnt that the infant's mom fled the house subsequent to making the report.

Okwuchukwu was, then again, captured and confined at the Police Gender Unit, Ikeja, while police agents additionally captured Chinelo's spouse in Anambra State. The infant and Chinelo had yet to be found.

While being paraded on Wednesday, Okwuchukwu said he gathered N400,000 from Chinelo in return for his child with the full information of his wife.

He said, "Chinelo was to give me N400,000 for the child. My wife was the person who proposed that we discard the infant to meet our business needs.

"Yet, Chinelo gave me N250,000 for the infant when I went to convey him to her in Anambra State.

"When I gave back, my wife and I squabbled and she fled for three days. I didn't realize that she went to report the matter to the police. She was worried with her own particular offer of N150,000.

"I offer vehicle save parts in Ladipo market.

"It was a legal advisor who called me that my wife had reported me to the police, and that I ought to come and see her. When I went there, I was captured.

"I don't have the foggiest idea about the whereabouts of my child. I didn't know Chinelo would flee with my kid."

Our journalist learnt that the police were increasing endeavors to recoup the child.

The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Fatai Owoseni, who paraded the suspect, said the case was experiencing "extraordinary examination."

"The suspect is helping the police with data to recuperate the infant," he included.
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