The Best In The Recent History Of Nigeria ”President Buhari's Budget For 2016

Aliyu Wamakko, former governor of Sokoto state, has described President Muhammadu Buhari’s proposed 2016 budget as “the best in the recent history of Nigeria.”
According to Premium Times, Mr. Wammako has commended the proposed 2016 budget, which is believed to give 30% allocation to capital projects. The senator also mentioned the importance of economic diversification, stressing the government’s intention to develop other economic spheres and take away focus from oil revenues.
“No civilian administration came more proximate to 30 percent allocation to capital projects. This is genuinely commendable.Past administrations mainly allocated everything to the recurrent vote. We must commend President Buhari for this populist-orientated budget, which will address infrastructure deficit in the country.
We are jubilant that we have a president who stoutheartedly seeks to address the issue of economic diversification. Recollect, our old universities such as Ahmadu Bello University, Obafemi Awolowo University and University of Nigeria, Nsukka, were not built with oil mazuma. So it is conspicuous Nigeria can survive without oil revenues.
The three major areas I highlighted – agriculture, solid minerals and tourism – will take Nigeria out of its quandaries when harnessed. We will forget about oil thoroughly. The budget additionally gives a major check to address the scholastic challenges in Nigeria, including edifier quality, school enrolment and retention, training and retraining, among other issues.”
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